Healing Sports Injuries, Curing IBS and Taking Back Control of Health (Part 2)

1 year ago

This week on the Health Wealth podcast we have another brilliant episode for you. We are joined by Ricky Du Plessis to talk about his personal journey through nutrition and what inspired him to write a book on it.

Ricky was an average guy like the rest of us, into sports, the gym and what he “thought” was healthy eating. However as he started to get older injuries, sore joints and pain started to become a regular part of Ricky’s life. Of course everyone told him this was just part of aging but Ricky refused to just give up and accept it

He set off on a journey of exploration through all the misinformation and lies in the nutritional world to find out what the proper human diet really is! Ricky was able to take control of his own health, lose weight easily and recover from serious injury in record time. On this journey he gained so much knowledge he decided to write a book about it to educate others on how to do the same. This is a really great in depth episode that gets to the heart of what's causing EVERY illness we currently suffer from. There was so much packed in we had to split it into two episodes!!

Enjoy the show.   

The main highlights:
How he took back control of his own health
Curing IBS
False starts and struggles
What causes disease?
Can we trust research?
How diet affects mental health

Guest: Ricky Du Plessis
Linkedin: ⁠https://www.linkedin.com/in/ricky-du-plessis-60410aa4?utm_source=share&utm_campaign=share_via&utm_content=profile&utm_medium=android_app&lipi=urn%3Ali%3Apage%3Ad_flagship3_feed%3BoFHAsp3YSaOTibVa4jGHIw%3D%3D
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🎤Hosted by Ryan Douglas - Founder of Health Wealth, I help clients cure chronic illness with diet and lifestyle. 

Co-hosted by Barry Koursarys - Ex gymnast, represented Scotland multiple times including at the commonwealth games. He has now taken his expertise into coaching specialising in fitness and mobility. 

Social media: 
Twitter: @hwpoduk 
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Tiktok: @hwpoduk 
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/healthwealthuk/ 
Linktree: linktr.ee/healthwealthuk 

Twitter: @RDhealthwealth 
Facebook: @RDhealthwealth 
IG: @ryan_healthwealth 
Tiktok: @ryan_healthwealth 

IG: @bk_athleticism 
Facebook: @BKAthleticism 
Tiktok: @bkoursarys 

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