News Update: October 21, 2023

1 year ago

In this video, I update you on what's going on with me and what I see happening in the world. I talk about the importance of truth-telling, even when silenced, I share my experience with being banned on social media, and express my commitment to sharing my knowledge about health, highlighting the importance of challenging the medical industrial complex's brainwashing.

I discuss current events, urging caution with trusting the official narrative and I encourage critical thinking and d I address the COVID-19 plandemic, the rigged 2020 US election, and vaccine injuries, among other topics.

Update: In this video I say we will start the Health Q & A Zoom Calls today (Friday, October 19) but I have had too much going on in my personal life (very stressful) so we will start next Thursday, October 26. I'll post on the blog with a signup form in the next few days.

For the full transcript and show notes, please visit my blog:

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