The Leo Frank Case: Plants Charged to Frank - Inside Story of Georgia's Greatest Murder Mystery

1 year ago

This is the thirteenth Chapter in the 22-part series of 'Leo Frank Case: Inside Story Of Georgia's Greatest Murder Mystery'. In June, both sides began preparations for Frank's trial, which was expected to be the South's greatest legal battle. Solicitor General Dorsey retained Frank A. Hooper to assist him in the prosecution, while Reuben R. Arnold was retained as the defense attorney. The trial was originally set for July 28th, but Judge L. S. Roan suggested postponing the case due to a promise from Mrs. Roan to go to the seashore with Mrs. Roan during the first week in July.

The defense theory was that Conley had killed the girl on the first floor and chucked her down the scuttle hole. On May 10th, L. P. McWorth and Whitefield, two Pinkerton operatives, found a pay envelope bearing the name Mary Phagan and parts of two numerals on the first floor near the point where Jim Conley claimed he sat and waited for Frank's call. The discovery was made during Harry Scott's absence from the city, but not to the city police.

Fingerprint experts examined the pay envelope but were unable to find any trace of a finger print on it. The bludgeon was also discovered near the place where Conley admitted lying in wait. Chief Lanford criticized H.B. Pierce, superintendent of the Pinkerton agency, for not acquainting city officials of the alleged find.

W. H. Mincey, an insurance agent and school teacher, made an affidavit to the defense that Conley confessed to him that he had murdered a girl that morning. Dorsey was "loaded for him" and had twenty-five witnesses who would try to impeach him. An incident occurred where six so-called experts were ready to go on the witness stand and swear that Frank, not Conley, had written both notes. Discover the knitty gritty details of what took place and potential perjury on part of key members of Frank's defense team (Pinkerton cops).

Seeking Justice for Little Mary Phagan

Please purchase the book, 'The Frank Case: Inside Story of Georgia's Greatest Murder Mystery by The Atlanta Publishing Company' to learn more about the Leo Frank case.

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