Kuril island

11 months ago

The Kuril Islands are a volcanic archipelago in the Russian Far East. They stretch approximately 1,300 km northeast from Hokkaido in Japan to Kamchatka Peninsula in Russia. The islands separate the Sea of Okhotsk from the north Pacific Ocean.
The Kuril Islands have more than 60 major islands, including: Iturup, Raikoke, Tanfilyeva.
The islands have a surface area of 10,503 km². They contain dozens of active volcanoes capable of explosive eruptions. The Kuril Islands sit atop a seismic region in the Pacific known as the “Ring of Fire”.
The Kuril Islands are administered as part of Sakhalin Oblast in the Russian Far East. Russia currently occupies the islands, but Japan claims them as Japanese territory. Japan and Russia have never come to an agreement over the ownership of the four southern Kuril Islands.
The predominant language in the Kuril Islands is Russian, but some Japanese is spoken as well. Ainu was the historical language of the islands, but the Ainu language is now extinct in the Kuril Islands.

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