NASA's Lucy Mission Flyby of Asteroid Dinkinesh

11 months ago

NASA's Lucy spacecraft is on a mission to explore some of the most mysterious objects in our solar system: the Trojan asteroids. But before it can get there, it has to test its Terminal Tracking System on a smaller asteroid called Dinkinesh.

On November 1st, 2023, Lucy will fly by Dinkinesh at a speed of 10,000 miles per hour. This will be the spacecraft's first close encounter with an asteroid, and it's a critical test for its instruments.

If the Terminal Tracking System works properly, Lucy will be able to keep its instruments pointed at Dinkinesh as it flies by. This will allow scientists to collect detailed images and data about the asteroid.

The Dinkinesh flyby is also a valuable opportunity to learn more about small asteroids in general. Scientists are still trying to understand how these asteroids formed and evolved, and Lucy's data will help them to answer these questions.

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