The TRUTH about WHY ISRAEL is SUFFERING (Deferred to Pastor Steve Cioccolanti)

1 year ago

I created my sixth (and last) video regarding the Israeli-Palestine conflict. But, I didn’t feel a peace about publishing it. Here is the link I recommend you watch:

I don't believe I'm alone in receiving this burden about Israel. If I'm being honest, I've felt it ever since I met my husband and got to know more of the American Jewish Community. I was astonished in learning that there was little to no reverence to God. : ( I'm so sad about what happened, but I'll be the first to say, I KNOW WHAT GOD's DISCIPLINE FEELS LIKE! And, it results in something beautiful and far more important.

It’s not easy. But, it’s ESSENTIAL and critical. To my Jewish Brothers and Sisters, I am praying for you. Most importantly that you accept God and cling to Him, during these last days. God bless YOU.

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