Joshua Graham reads a letter he wrote to Robert Edwin House.

11 months ago

Joshua Graham, from a reality where the House won, writes a letter to his new benefactor.

AI Voice by ElevenLabs, original writing by me.

"Mr. House, you hold all the cards to build a new life... not only for yourself but mankind as a whole... I've read your interviews in the old magazines, seen the Glowing lights of Vegas over the mountain tops on the darkest nights. You represent the best humanity had to offer, you still do. Everything we once had but also lacked... You exert your will beyond the bounds of what most current city states could only hope to imagine, cultivated over centuries, yet cannot touch the metal a few feet below you... You cannot even touch, either with gratitude or self-satisfaction, that which keeps you alive... I imagine you would if you could. To feel at least one beat of your heart... So, I say all this so I can say you have gained hold of life once again, but in the interm lost your humanity. Understandable, but without this intregal part everything you go to build will always remain an attempt. By necessity you have lived within a digital world for longer than my Grandparents survived, and they lived long, troubled lives... You have a dream, we all do... or did... and you realized yours without raising a finger from your coffin. Its why I can sit here, surrounded by books in an air-conditioned room, and criticize you as I have been. You have moved from beyond a stateless despot with an army into the role of a publically accepted king with a country to run. You have land and subjects, just as you wished... So, I would... advise... to write your own version of the Magna Carta before the current vassals become too unruly. There will always be cause for rebellion under this type of primitive system. Something I know you will evolve from soon enough."

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