Sleeper Cell Prediction Unfolding: American Edition #israel #palestine #islamicjihad #nostradamus

1 year ago

#israel #iran #palestine #losangeles #newyork #washingtondc #islamicjihad #miami #nostradamus #edgarcayce #france #germany #russia #poland #estonia #texas #california #evacuate #now #refugees #hamas #hezbollah #earthquakes #warriorsoftherainbow #lightwarriors #lightwarrior #redstar

The High Council has decided to cleanse this Earth. Leaving only a remnant of survivors to rebuild. The HOPI call these survivors The Warriors of the Rainbow. They will know hardship like man has never known on this Earth before. But it was all a necessary process. They will never want war again. Then peace shall reign in this world. But 5D is the Star seeds ultimate destination. We are here to act as midwives to a newly born Star Race. The birthing process is painful. It is essential that Lightworkers and Star seeds use their intuition and other abilities during these times. Listen to your Guides, Angels, and GOD. Please pay attention to your dreams. You are fully equipped. You have the spiritual ears to hear. You will have everything you need during this time. Tune into the voice of (Universe) (Prime Creator) the One and ALL.

I put my remote viewing skills to use for the benefit of good. My goal is to be of service to you and warn you ahead of time of what I see coming for us. You are welcomed to support my work by leaving a donation. Much Thanks and may your blessing to me be returned to you 10x fold.

Love u all , God Bless
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