Young Professionals Have Their Say on First Freedoms - Freedom Feature Roundtable

1 year ago

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In this video, six young Canadians (Anna Flores, Boris Ruzindana, Maretes Emmons, Matthew Mann, Rebecca Jones and Theresa Jones) discuss their answers to questions on the theme of first freedoms. Their personal experiences and ideas whether as students, church goers or employees lead to one conclusion: freedom of speech in Canada is under threat. Topics such as the truckers’ convoy, the COVID-19 vaccination and LGBTQ rights all provided real-life scenarios where our panel speakers didn’t feel safe to express their individual ideas because it would seem that if you didn’t agree with the dominant narrative adopted by the company, university, church, or even your group of friends, that you risked the chance of being ostracized or alienated from the group. The discussion includes the shortcomings of DEI policy as it ignores diversity of thought. All agree the way forward is through dialogue but recognize that it’s difficult to have conversations with people or establishments that aren’t open to having their ideas challenged. First Freedoms Foundation is pleased to have provided these six young Canadians with a platform to express their views and we thank them for participating in this panel discussion.
Please note the views expressed by the individual(s) in this video are their own, and do not necessarily reflect the views or principles of the First Freedoms Foundation.

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