UK Rap Legend Lowkey: British Empire Was an Empire of Thievery Rejected by The World! (EP.890)

11 months ago

On this episode of Going Underground, we speak to UK rap legend Lowkey ahead of the 3rd Anniversary of the Grenfell Tower Tragedy and amid a revitalized anti-racism movement in the UK. He discusses why we should commemorate the 'state crime' of the Grenfell tragedy on Sunday, the link between government deregulation and the Grenfell tragedy, the alleged role of certain companies in making it possible for the Grenfell fire to happen, his allegations of a corporate cover-up regarding investigations into the tragedy, the media's failure to cover the companies' alleged role in creating the conditions leading to the Grenfell fire, reports of UK security services contracting out Instagram and Facebook accounts as a part of their PREVENT strategy, PREVENT using his music videos in training sessions, statues being torn down in Black Lives Matter protests in the UK, why the British public supports the British Empire despite its bloody history, Britain having to pay the victims of the British Empire and wars Britain has participated in and more!


"The undertaking that has been sought does not grant immunity from prosecution and does not have that effect. Prosecutions can still be brought, but any oral evidence given to the Inquiry by a witness subject to the undertaking cannot be used in support of the prosecution of that person. Any prosecution would therefore have to be supported by other evidence. The undertaking does not apply to any statements or documents already in the possession of the Inquiry and it does not prevent the prosecuting authorities from making use of answers given by one witness in furtherance of a prosecution of another.”

We contacted The British Museum who directed us to a blog by Director Hartwig Fischer that can be found here:

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