EP.874: Ex-WHO Cancer Programme Director- No Coronavirus Vaccine Until 2021!

1 year ago

On this episode of Going Underground, we speak to Professor Karol Sikora, the ex-Director of the WHO’s cancer program. He discusses the UK’s new Coronavirus contact tracing app, the predictions of a COVID19 vaccine by 2021, why the lockdowns should be lifted soon, why Cuba’s health system excels whilst the US arguably fails, measures to protect the most vulnerable once lockdown measures are eased and more! Finally, we speak to Professor Danny Dorling of Oxford University and author of ‘Slowdown: The End of the Great Acceleration’. He discusses why the timing of the pandemic is unfortunate for Britain, calling Boris Johnson’s cabinet ‘the C-team’, why a global pandemic was inevitable, why the economic impact of Covid-19 on the global economy will be much different from the impact of previous pandemics, the slow down of growth of major Western economies and its consequences, why capitalism’s ‘Ponzi schemes’ such as student debt will unravel and more!

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