👻🎃 Paranormal Case Files of Great Britain, Insane Abduction Case🎃👻 Malcolm Robinson - TSP 869

1 year ago

UFO and Paranormal researcher Malcolm Robinson, continues on his paranormal journey, with this, his fourth book in the series of looking at strange and paranormal events throughout the British Isles. Malcolm looks at tales such as underwater ghosts, poltergeists, premonitions that sadly came true.
Again, this book presents people's own individual tales of witnessing ghosts and experiencing paranormal events. We learn of a haunted villa in which the occupants had to endure ghostly phenomena which was backed up by other witnesses. Malcolm also discusses an English case which not only encompasses UFOs, but also imps being witnessed in a loft space, and strange entities being seen in the back garden. There is also a disturbing Scottish haunting, in which a mother and daughter have had to endure years of spiritual abuse from a nasty earthbound spirit, who refused to leave the family home.
This book is also packed with tales relating to, Cellular Memory, Life After Death, and Curses. Overall, this book aims to show that no matter what happens, paranormal experiences have touched thousands of people in the British Isles. Listen on if you dare!


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