Rhema Oct 17, 2023 ❤️ Be My Gideon's 300!... It's Time to be focused and obedient

1 year ago

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Be My Gideon’s 300!… It’s Time to be focused & obedient

February 11, 2016 – Words from Jesus thru Brother Ezekiel

Jesus began… “There is much to be done in these last days before I come. It is absolutely crucial that you do NOT wander in your purpose. Keep your eyes fixed on Me, your whole heart, mind, spirit, and soul riveted on Me. It is imperative that you have My Mind – let this mind be in you. The Mind of Christ. You cannot do this on your own. You MUST pray for this grace, and I will imbue you with the ability to cast down every imagination.

“ALL of your faculties, you must surrender to Me again. Place them with faith into My Hands, knowing that your Lord and your Love, the espoused of your heart and soul, is worthy of your complete trust. I will free you from the tyranny of memories, as the enemy will try to play on your affections, relationships, and any remaining attachments to people and things in the world. If these relationships are good and loving, give them to Me. I love them far more than you ever could, and I will take them into My special care, out of love for you. But now, it is time to be intentionally single-minded.

“Keep up with your daily duties, but do not get bogged down with any projects. I need for you to be as Gideon’s wise soldiers. They had come to a watering hole on their way into a major battle. He was told, only to take the men who bent on one knee, and drank with their hand as they were alert and watching, even then for the enemy. Those who bent down with their hands and knees, drinking like dogs, he was told to send back home.

“They would be of little or no use in the great battle that was about to ensue. Even with that, I would yet test Gideon’s obedience further still.

“I cannot stress the importance of obedience strongly enough. You need to spend more quality time in prayer. By that I mean, it isn’t enough just to have a personal Relationship with Me now. Now you must have a familiar relationship with Me. What do I mean by familiar? You are saved, and you know Me in a loving, beautiful, and personal way – as I do you. But we are coming into a time when, as I said to My apostles… ‘I no longer call you servants, for a servant does not know what His Master is about. No, now I call you Friends.’

“The more time you spend with someone, the more you get to know them on a deeper level. You begin to know their likes and dislikes and their particular way of doing things. I am calling you up higher now. You are about to embark on the eternal journey, the journey of life everlasting and in the closest way – as My Bride!

“Consider a young couple who are in love. As they have gotten to know one another over a long period of time, it becomes clear to them that their heart’s desire is to spend the rest of their lives together. So, the man proposes and his beloved, rejoicing with excitement – accepts. Up to this point, they have seen each other on and off during the week. But now, they are planning on building a life together.

“They no longer go out on regular dates. No, they immediately begin to spend every free moment together. There is not a day that goes by that they are not together, and it continues like this all the way up to the Wedding.

“Why? Because they have just made a profound life commitment, and as with a betrothal, they have already forsaken all others in their heart and mind. Already they are joyfully beginning to become more familiar with the finer points of each other’s person and character.

“We are about to begin our eternal lives together. Our whole relationship is going to plunge into the wonderful and divine depths of life...


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