#296 A (A-Star) Pathfinding Algorithm

1 year ago

The A* (pronounced "A-star") pathfinding algorithm is a widely used and efficient algorithm for finding the shortest path between two points in a graph, while taking into account the cost of traversing each edge or node. It's commonly used in video games, robotics, and other applications where finding an optimal path is important.
The A* algorithm uses a combination of two techniques: Dijkstra's algorithm and a heuristic function. Here's how it works:
Initialize two sets:Open Set: This set contains the nodes to be evaluated, initially containing only the starting node.
Closed Set: This set contains the nodes that have already been evaluated.

For each node in the Open Set, calculate two values:G(n): The cost of the path from the start node to node n.
H(n): The heuristic estimate of the cost from node n to the goal node. The heuristic function is problem-specific and should be admissible (never overestimating the true cost).

Calculate the F(n) value for each node:F(n) = G(n) + H(n)

Select the node with the lowest F(n) value from the Open Set. This node will be the next one to be evaluated.
If the selected node is the goal node, the path has been found. Trace back from the goal node to the start node to retrieve the optimal path.
Otherwise, move the selected node to the Closed Set and consider its neighbors. For each neighbor:Calculate its tentative G value (tentative G = G(current) + cost(current, neighbor)).
If the neighbor is not in the Open Set or the tentative G value is lower than its current G value, update the G value and set the current node as the parent.
If the neighbor is not in the Open Set, calculate its H value and add it to the Open Set.

Repeat steps 4-6 until the Open Set is empty or the goal is reached.
A* ensures that the path with the lowest F(n) value is explored first, which makes it both optimal and efficient. However, the quality of the heuristic function plays a crucial role in its efficiency. A perfectly admissible heuristic would make A* behave like Dijkstra's algorithm, exploring all nodes in increasing order of their G values.
A* is a versatile algorithm used in various applications, and it can be adapted for different scenarios, including grid-based pathfinding, graph traversal, and even 3D or dynamic environments. It's a powerful tool for solving pathfinding problems in many domains.

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