Your worst-case scenario is all in your head (you didn't come here to be let down. just didn't.)

11 months ago

This message is being adamantly repeated to us all right now. Everything that breaks your heart - everything that makes up your worst nightmare - everything that takes away from all that you ever wanted - it is all in your own head. It's making the collective face our worst fears so that they're no longer repressed (what we resist, persists). This is a fast-track way to heal our wounds, traumas and baggage (from lifetime across lifetime) , so that we're ready to receive - and KEEP - all that we've ever dreamed of when the Universe brings the rewards for all our hard work.

"Nothing in this world worth having comes easy". But it IS guaranteed to be yours. Or else you wouldn't want it – THIS MUCH. And you'll be able to cherish and keep it after having "gone through hell" to clear away everything that isn't you and was never you for lifetimes and generations. This is what you'll pass down as your legacy - the courage, wisdom, and gratitude to earn what you want and to hold on to it because you know you deserve all of it.

This is what the eclipse portal is supposed to bring up - first, all the South Node stuff of the past (worst-case scenarios, worries, fears, scare events) that are supposed to come to surface to be faced, confronted and let go of, so that we will never again live in fear of “it happening". Then the Taurus North Node lunar eclipse a couple weeks later will bring the rewards of all that we have worked for in the past year-and-a-half when the nodal axis was transiting Taurus-Scorpio. You can't even begin to imagine what the North Node eclipse of April 2024 in the current Aries-Libra axis will bring. Hold the Faith. We were supposed to go through hell remember..."from dark to light".

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