Chapter 102 | Commentary in English of Surah At-Takasur | @islamichistory813

11 months ago

@islamichistory813 #qurantranslation #recitation #tilawat #surahattakasur #tafseer #commentary #english

Asslamoalaikum, اسلام علیکم to everybody, our channel is for about ISLAMIC HISTORY and in this video we will talk about. Chapter 102 Surah At-Takausr revealed in Makka
What is the lesson learned from Surah Takathur?
The content of the Surah in general is firstly, a scorn on those people who, based on things of no value, boast to each other and secondly, there is a warning about the proposition of the Hereafter and the Hell-fire; and finally, warning that we will be questioned about the bounties in our life.
Allah said: The demand to collect more wealth has made you oblivious. Even you saw the mouth of the graves. He said that the desire to collect more wealth and boasting about your wealth and children made you neglect the worship of Allah.
From this, it is known that greed for abundance of wealth and showing pride in it and children is sinful, and by suffering from it, a person is deprived of the blessings of the hereafter. Allah says: Know that the life of this world is only sport and adornment and boasting among yourselves and wanting to abuse each other in wealth and children. So you see it yellow, then it becomes trampled (useless) and in the Hereafter there is severe punishment and forgiveness from
Allah and His pleasure (also) and the life of this world is only a deception.
And he said: O you who believe! Your wealth and your children should not make you forget the remembrance of Allah, and those who do so are the ones who will suffer the loss. And he said: O believers! Indeed, some of your wives and your children are your enemies, so beware of them, and if you forgive and forgive and forgive, then surely Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. Great reward. So fear Allah Jahan Listen and obey orders as much as you can and spend in the way of God.
And Hazrat Muttraf Radiyallahu Taalahi Anhu narrates from his father that I attended the service of the Holy Prophet, Peace be upon him said: "The son of Adam says: My wealth, my wealth, O son of Adam: Your wealth is that which you destroyed by eating, or wore it and made it rotten, or sent it forward in charity."
On the authority of Hazrat Abu Huraira,, the Messenger of Allah,PBUH said, "The servant says, 'My wealth, my wealth,' so there are only three things from his wealth." ) What he ate and
destroyed. (2) What he wore and made rotten. He's going to leave and he's going to leave it to the people.
Hazrat Amr Bin Awf narrated that the Messenger of Allah, PBUH said, "By God! I am not afraid of you becoming poor, I am afraid that the world will fall upon you." Do not become envious as it happened to the people before you, then you become enamored with it as they were enamored and it destroys you as it destroyed them.
It is narrated from Hazrat Abu Huraira, PBUH said: “Wealth does not come from the abundance of wealth and causes, but (the real) wealth is the enrichment of the heart, by God.” I am not afraid of neediness about you, but I am afraid about you that you will be addicted to the lust of abundance.
It was narrated by Zarat Ka'b bin Malik, PBUH, said, "Two hungry wolves left among the goats do not harm the goats more than wealth and honor." Greed corrupts a person's religion
May Allah protect all Muslims from greed and lust for wealth, Amen. Allah Said: Even you saw the mouth of the graves. }
That is, the greed for abundance of wealth remained in your heart until death came to you and you were buried in graves.
May Allah Ta'ala grant every Muslim the ability to be grateful for His blessings and every Muslim should make this supplication, O my Lord! Give me the ability to thank You for the blessings that You bestowed upon me and my parents. And let me do what pleases You and put goodness in my
children for me, I have turned to You and I am one of the Muslims.
Allah Hafiz
#islamic historyinurdu

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