What You Need to Know Before Moving to Albany Oregon

1 year ago

Are you thinking about moving to Albany Oregon? Lets talk about a few things that you might want to consider before moving to Albany, Oregon. In this video we have a casual conversation about the size of Albany, schools, location, cost of living, and the weather.

If you're thinking about living in Albany, or any other area in the mid Willamette Valley, I would love to help! Just give me a call, shoot me a text, send me an email, or schedule a Zoom call, and I’d love to help you make a smooth move to Salem Oregon!

📱Call or Text: 971-398-7093
📨Email: RyanRwelty@gmail.com
📅Schedule a Zoom With Me!

Hit the subscribe button and stay tuned for more exciting content about the Willamette Valley!
00:00 Introduction
01:21 Size Of Albany Oregon
03:03 Schools in Albany Oregon
05:07 Location of Albany Oregon(commuting to and from)
06:11 Cost of Living in Albany Oregon
08:28 Weather in Albany Oregon


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As a local expert, I'm passionate about helping individuals find their dream home in the Willamette Valley. If you're planning a move soon, feel free to reach out to me via call ☎, text 📝, or email 📨. I'll do my best to make your transition to Salem as seamless as possible.
**Most stats and data mentioned came from the following sites and are not based on our opinions:
Best Schools: https://www.greatschools.org/oregon/Albany/
Niche: https://www.niche.com/places-to-live/albany-linn-or/
More About Salem Oregon: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albany,_Oregon
City Website: https://www.cityofalbany.net/about
Census Data: https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/albanycityoregon/PST045222
*All stats, data, house pricing, and anything else mentioned is always subject to change and is provided merely as an example at the time of this recording*
Ryan Welty
Broker Licensed in Oregon
Reger Homes, LLC

#livinginAlbany #albanyoregon #albanyoregonhomes #ryanwelty #salemrealestate

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