1 year ago

The data when it comes to alcohol consumption and its negative effects is nearly endless... It's actually staggering when you start to read into it.

Today's episode is more specifically about alcohol and the negative effects it has on relationships

Below are the top 7 signs that alcohol is affecting your relationship...


1. You’re Lying About Your Drinking

2. Drinking is Causing Financial Difficulties

3. Alcohol Causes Conflict in Your Relationship

4. Drinking is More Important Than Your Relationship

5. Drinking Affects Your Sex Life

6. Drinking Affects your Children and Family life

7. You Drink to Feel Happy


Having read those, and in true stop F*cking lying fashion... how many of them apply to your current relationship?

The reality is even if only one applies to you it means that alcohol is taking a toll on not only your health, but the health of your relationship too...

You don't have to be part of some statistic

You don't have to continually grow distant

You have the power today to rewrite the story


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