Break Free from "stuckness"...

1 year ago

Break Free from stuckness ...

Are you in a holding pattern of stress and overwhelm?

Perhaps feeling pulled in all directions, being everything to everyone?

Are, you sometimes feeling lonely and isolated, even though you have friends and a ‘good life’ ?

Perhaps, you are a smart, conscious, powerful woman, but you find yourself in patterns of over giving and being undervalued ?

You might have a desire to feel radiant, alive, confident and at home in your body…

And you are blaming yourself that your ‘worklife balance’ is all up the creek ?

Today, I am excited to offer you a breakthrough.

A fundamental shift from ‘lack’ (time, money, energy) to wealth.

I would like you to take a minute to think about what true wealth means to you…..

Personally, to me ‘wealth’ means good health and freedom.

Wealth gives you choices.

Wealth offers you control over your life….

What I see today is that women rarely get to experience this…

Even women who have done a lot of personal growth often feel stuck and confused….

In fact millions of women feel stuck, because the masculine system of power is good for accomplishing goals, but sorely lacking when it comes to fulfilling our hearts deepest yearnings.

So, if you are a woman and reading this, you might be proud of what you have accomplished, but perhaps you feel inwardly lonely and disconnected…

And there is a reason for this...

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