Albert Biel, Regional Director, Central Alberta - Candidate

11 months ago

I grew up on a farm South East of Lacombe. I became a carpenter, Building Construction Technologist and then a Professional Engineer. I have been happily married to Lois for 45 years. We have 3 amazing sons and 3 wonderful daughters-in-law, and they have blessed us with 9 precious grandchildren. I have been a
Sunday School teacher, youth leader, a Scout Leader, and I coached baseball for thirteen years. I have served on the Board of Directors for a Women’s Shelter in Mexico. I have lived in Alberta all my life. I have had the opportunity to work in all of Western Canada. Lois and I have had many wonderful years together and part of that included many international trips, one being a trip to and from Panama in a
Prior to becoming an engineer, I owned and operated a construction company.
We own and operate a consulting engineering business primarily in the downstream portion of the oil and gas industry as well as commercial buildings. We recently launched the Canadian portioon of our Natural Health Product business.
The reason I am getting involved in politics is to help restore Alberta back to a free and prosperous place to live for our children, our grandchildren, and future generations.
I am currently the VP of Policy and Governance for the Strathcona Sherwood Park Constituency Association.
I do not know about you, but I get angry when Corporations, Institutions and Governments are trying to force me to violate my faith, family, freedoms and finances.
I will stand up for Parental Rights and elimination of the sexualization of our children in school.
I believe in Medical Autonomy. My family Doctor should be the only person that knows my medical status.
Pro-freedom, NO more lockdowns, NO mandates and NO Central Digital ID or Central Digital Currencies.
I will work to support Premier Danielle Smith and the rest of caucus with the promises of Alberta first.
We must stand together against Trudeau’s over reach, ESG, Social Credit Systems, NGOs like the WEF, WHO and others.
I live in the northern part of the Central Alberta Region and will be able to work with the CA’s in my area and Abigail can work with the CA’s in her area. Together we can do a beter job of serving our CA’s in Central Alberta.
If you have the same desires as me, please vote for me at the UCP 2023 AGM.

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