What the Lord Said 10-19-23 These are Days of Refining!

11 months ago

October 19th, 2023

I, the Lord
Maker of Heave and Earth
He who holds the kingdoms in His hand
I am the Alpha the Omega
He who knows the end from the beginning
I, the Lord will speak
Therefore listen to Me, you who are wise

I am coming soon
Watch therefore and prepare yourself for the day of my appointment
Repent and Return O peoples of the earth
While there is yet time

Many things I have spoken to you
Things which are and things which are yet to be
But now I will tell you a new thing
That which was hidden will soon be revealed
The scroll will opened and all things will soon be laid bare
There is nothing that is hidden which will not be reveled
For the light of my gaze reveals every hidden thing

Those who conspire against Me
And against My people
Shall not hide themselves from the light of My gaze
For I have seen all the hidden intentions of man
And the depths of their wickedness is known to Me
I will avenge
I will repay says the Lord
I am the avenger of blood
The chain breaker
He who leads the captives forth to freedom

Do not fear though you see the nations rage
Though they rise one against another
As I have said from long ago
This is but the beginning of birth pangs
The earth shudders
The earth itself shall be shaken and moved
On the day that I come

Oh my children
You who long for Me
You who long to see My face
Endure only a little while longer
I will come as I said
But My work among you is not yet complete
The harvest is upon you
Happy is he who joins in the harvest of the end of the age
Though you are weary
Soon you will enter My rest
Do not look back from the plow
But continue until the day
The glorious day
The day of my appointment
The day of justice

The turbulence of these days will increase
And many nations will be torn asunder by it
Nations will rise against nations
And nations will rise against themselves
Division will increase
Brother will rise against brother
And countryman against countryman
Even among My church
Factions will rise
But those who love the Name
And who long for My coming
Will not be overcome
Even now I separate the wheat from the chaff
And I clear out the dross from what is pure
I will refine you o church
These are days of refining
That you might be perfect
A bride well prepared for her husband
Therefore cling to Me o beloved
And you will not be moved
But you will be purified as through fire

This is the rage and wraith of man
It is the work of men’s hands
To devastate and to destroy
They seek to avenge themselves upon the earth
They do not wait for Me
Lines now held will soon be broken

Declare these things I have given to you, o servant of the Lord
Declare them while time remains
While breath remains
The time is short
And soon is the day

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