EP.803: Geoffrey Robertson QC- What About US Military Bases Undermining UK’s Sovereignty?

1 year ago

On this episode of Going Underground, we speak to Geoffrey Robertson QC of Doughty St Chambers about the Supreme Court overturning Boris Johnson’s 5 week prorogation of Parliament, the US protecting an NSA spy’s wife as she is wanted by the police for the death of a teenager, US military bases in the U.K. and the question of sovereignty, updates on former Brazilian President Lula Da Silva’s imprisonment and more! Next we speak to film director Stanley Nelson Jr. and Erin Davis (son of Miles Davis) about the new film ‘Miles Davis: Birth of Cool’ which focuses on the life of the jazz legend. They discuss Miles’ political leanings, the racism he faced from the US police, whether things have improved from Miles’ era for African Americans, Miles’ actions regarding apartheid South Africa and more!

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