Bruce Maxwell Becomes First MLB Player To Kneel During National Anthem

7 years ago

Now it’s no longer just NFL players kneeling to protest police brutality, on Sunday night, Oakland A’s Rookie, Bruce Maxwell was the first baseball player to join the movement. Fumble TV reporter, Angela Struck comments the event when the first MLB player keeled during the national anthem to protest social injustice.

According to Bruce it was the hardest decision he ever made, and out of respect for his Oakland A's family asked for the permission of the organization ahead of time. After the game he said "The only platform right now that seems to be getting people's attention is athletes kneeling during the anthem so I'll do my part, and do that in baseball". Do you think more MLB players will join Maxwell in protest?

Well it is no coincidence that Maxwell's protest came after Trump tweeting his disapproval of kneeling during the anthem "If NFL fans refuse to go to games until players stop disrespecting our Flag & Country, you will see change take place fast. Fire or suspend!"

The Oakland A's catch re-tweeted "Don't be surprised if you start seeing athletes kneeling in other sports now!! Comments like that coming from our president. WOW!"

Twitter had a lot of opinions about Maxwell's protest. One fan wrote "Disgusting. Will not watch any game where this hate happens. There are no cowards in baseball" to which another tweeter responded "Did you notice his hand on his heart and that he is facing the flag? It's a simple but respectful protest. Certainly not cowardly" Do you think other sports will join the movement? Which sport do you think it will be kneeling next?

Here is a video of national anthem Cleveland Browns players kneeling during the national anthem.

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