Examining the Leo Frank Trial and ADL Formation Pt.2 (EP 127)

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This is the next phase of the Leo Frank Trial and overlaps a bit with Part 1 of EP 121:

Tyler appeared on the Pete Quinones Show for “Episode 959: Examining the Leo Frank Trial and ADL Formation Pt. 1 w/ Tyler Janke Esq.” is up on my website and iTunes and all podcatchers.

Search “The Pete Quinones Show"

The murder took place in Atlanta GA in 1913 and gained national attention with a young catholic girl, a northern jewish man and 2 southern black men as the main characters. Part 1, we do an overview of the case, the players and what it was like in Atlanta GA in 1913 to spark outrage, attention and result in a 30 day trial. In later episodes, we will dive into the details of the murder, the trial, the appeals and the so much more.

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