The Source Of All Conflict in the ADHD Mind

1 year ago

With ADHD…. The difficulties with always feeling left out are multi fold. The pervasive reality of not fitting in constantly presented to us is a never ending reminder that we are in the wrong place at the wrong time. Now much of this is cultural remains unknown as it has not been studied or researched extensively. The impact, however can not be denied. The feelings of excruciating isolation becomes a daily challenge, measured only by the difficulty enduring it. Meaning and purpose is lost in the effort, in a perpetual struggle to hold back despair for one more day…

We are a neuro-divergent species. Any fixation to a model of behavior will induce rigidity to it with a peculiar form of social mandate to conform to it. A coalescence of forces beings to form that defends and protects it, a self-perpetuating energy that begins to attain its own autonomously based upon cyclic reinforcement. This we might refer to collectively as the state of affairs that appears to rule and dictate the events of our daily lives. an invisible sentient force is generated by this cyclic activity, unseen, but of a vibrational frequency activity that in turn influences the sources of its being, its existence by repeated interaction with its source, which is – us.

Human societies formed of such states are models of perceptive for the mind, for mind is ultimately the source of it. Who control the mind rules the world, and thus the struggle for who controls this Identity of t mind becomes the fuel and friction the source of all conflict – a war over who – or what – will dominate the mind.

When the ADHD mind shuts down, it is a response to, or rejection of, a model of perception presented as the current stat of affairs, or the status quo. A sublime rejection of this motion of reality influences the behavior of the individual often labels as noon-conformist of all sorts. All efforts are made to correct this situation – dissuade, persuade, cajole, medicate, re-educate, and apply forceful social pressure to submit to the norms established by the status quo. Those unable are marginalized by society, those un-willing are ridiculed. Such is the state of the ADHD mind. It cannot comply, as compliance grants legitimacy to that which is neither genuine or authentic. Enduring the turmoil of guilt and shame of existing in a world as an affront to human dignity, it is a natural response to violations of natural law, and a rejection of that which is not true.

The scarcity mind-set used to be our source of pain and suffering. Now overabundance is the source, We are so accustomed to experiencing the pain of living that now overabundance cannot deliver it’s promise. Too much of a good thing becomes its opposite, as with anything taken to its extreme. When taken to its extreme in our current human mind conception of the world. This is a collective mind-adjustment period.

What to do now… what do we do now?
Just breathe…..

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