The Unholy Alliance! The USA Clown Show! Illuminati NWO Climate Carbon Predictive Programming!

1 year ago

Today's word: War is coming to America, from a Russo-China alliance that's even now forming in the news.

God will put it in nations' hearts that America's evil cannot continue; He will also bring justice for her many international victims.

Civil war is coming, look at the media suggesting it already exactly as spoken in 2020.

Yah said not less than 3 yrs of war but it can go longer if no repentance.

MATURE THEMES, watch before letting minors watch.

Those who know God are able to judge His words as JUST, and OPEN REBUKE OPENS THE DOOR TO REPENTANCE.

Otherwise we will not repent but keep making excuses for why we are the "greatest".

Sin can never be great, for God says any man (or people) who turn from a righteous past and begin to commit iniqiuty cannot live, their past righteousness shall not save them nor will He consider it. (Ezekiel 18:24-26)

The Master's Voice:
War, Civil War & The American Military State - "Come Out Of Her My People"
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