Correct Pronunciation of Car Brands ✌️✌️✌️

1 year ago

Here are the correct pronunciations of some popular car brand names:

Audi: Ow-dee
BMW: Bee-em-weei
Chevrolet: Shev-ro-lay
Ferrari: Fer-ra-ree
Hyundai: Huhn-dayy
Jaguar: Jag-waar
Kia: Kee-uh
Lamborghini: Lam-bohr-gee-nee
Mercedes-Benz: Mer-say-dees Benz
Porsche: Por-shuh
Toyota: Toh-yoh-tuh
Volkswagen: Volks-wah-gen
Maserati: Mah-suh-rah-tee
Nissan: Nee-sahn
Subaru: Soo-bah-roo
Volvo: Vohl-voh
Chrysler: Kris-ler
Mitsubishi: Mitsu-bi-shee
Bentley: Bent-le
Lexus: Lehk-suhss

If you have any other specific car brand names you'd like to share, post it in comments !!!

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