A historic crime by Israel is unfolding in Gaza

1 year ago

MEP Clare Daly video: The situation in Gaza. A historic crime by Israel is unfolding in Gaza and the EU is in it up to its neck. 加沙局勢. 以色列在加薩犯下的歷史性罪行正在上演,歐盟也深陷其中.

MEPs sit and watch the slaughter and cannot even find it within themselves to condemn it, calling it a "humanitarian crisis," as if it was caused by the weather. Who has caused this humanitarian crisis? Do we not know? 歐洲議會議員們坐視這場屠殺,卻無法譴責這場屠殺,稱其為“人道主義危機”,就好像它是由天氣造成的一樣。 這場人道危機是誰造成的? 難道我們不知道嗎?

No calls for a ceasefire! Nothing about collective punishment! Voting down calls to end the blockade! Just mealy-mouthed complacency, "right to defend," and the abandonment of victims, most of them children. 沒有人要求停火! 沒有什麼集體懲罰的事! 投票否決結束封鎖的呼籲! 只是滿嘴的自滿、“辯護權”,以及遺棄受害者,其中大多數是兒童.

The European Parliament has shown its colours. The EU will never live down the shame of today's resolution. 歐洲議會已經表明了態度。 歐盟永遠不會承受今天決議的恥辱.

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