Lets check (& yes, the WEBSITE remains stopped as long as here is that problem & read comment)

1 year ago

Please save it all, whoever....
Von: "Martin Mostbauer" <logiacolumn@gmx.at>
An: urp@marina.difesa.it, urp@aeronautica.difesa.it, sgd@sgd.difesa.it, ufficiostampa@difesa.it
Betreff: Fw: I can add this last thing, last BLOG
FLYER etc. go out, check last Video, but also other do it (HAVE TO DO IT)
I remain a target... so all other... CLEAR... SUPER... "cool thing!" with the whole population
And I should get a new address or I would inform all people in my house (40 apartments)... later
RESET them all!

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