100 Games in 100 DAYS!! - Day #24 HALOTHON

1 year ago

Welcome to a challenge that I'm doing, it's attempting to beat 100 games in 100 days. There will be a charity donation going on, it's not required but whatever gets donated in the 100 days down below will go straight to charity, charity of choice will be discussed throughout the 100 days! I hope you guys enjoy this challenge and let's see if I can accomplish such a task!

Donating â–º https://streamelements.com/tagtazz_/tip
Subscribe here â–º https://bit.ly/Sub2Tag
Instagram â–º https://www.instagram.com/tagtazz/
TikTok â–º www.tiktok.com/@tagtazz

Games Completed - 31 of 100
â–º Super Mario 64 - Completed!
â–º Bowser's Fury - Completed!
â–º Skul the Hero Slayer - Completed
â–º A Short Hike - Completed
â–ºVenba - Completed
â–º Super Mario Sunshine - Completed
â–ºNew Super Lucky Tale - Completed
â–ºBeacon Pines - Completed!
â–º Captain Toad - completed
â–º COCOON - Completed
â–º Maquette - completed
â–º My friend Pepa Pig - completed
â–º Hello Neighbor 2 - completed
â–º Little nightmares - Completed
â–º Escape academy - completed
â–º Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - Completed
â–º Cuphead - Completed
â–º Kill it with fire - Completed
â–º Super Mario Bros -Completed day 16
â–º Mario 3D World - completed
â–ºPirates of Enchiridion - completed
â–º Halo 3 - completed
â–º Autumn's Journey - Completed
â–ºBlind men- Completed
â–ºLanguage of love - completed
â–ºA Winter's Daydream - completed
â–º More Dark - Completed
â–º Townscaper -Completed
â–º Storm boy - completed
â–ºHalo CE - completed
â–º Halo 3 odst - completed

#gaming #tagtazz #stream #stremer #charity

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