Sweet Sister Stories: Waking Up to the Truth!

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Join Nancy as she interviews Wendi McNally and Carla Heins, sisters from our tribe of Prosperous Powerful Women, about how they came to know the TRUTH of our present reality and their perceptions on how they have handled navigating through it all.

Showtimes: (Rumble, Locals and on https://NancyKerner.com/shows)
Tues. & Thurs. @ 11am PST/ 1pm CST

The Nancy Kerner Show is Committed to Shining a Gentle Light on Holistic Health, Spirituality, Intuition, Relationships, Prosperity, Family, Community, Interviews, and Heart-Centered Updates on Current Events.

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Check out Nancy's Book, The Power of Sexy Relationships

If you are looking for your "Tribe" that seeks the REAL Truth that may be contrary to "mainstream" - JOIN us on Discord over at Friends of Truth: https://discord.gg/5mNMAzvKCc

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