Satan Attacks Sacred Child of God

11 months ago

Yes, dear sacred child of God.

This is a true story of a sacred child of God who was directly and personally attacked by Satan himself, decades ago. This was not a fleeting one-time thing, no! It was a vicious attack that although spiritual in foundation, its intensity was so great that it extended into the visible, physical world. In no way was this event imagined. This attack produced far-reaching consequences for God’s sacred children.

In total, this sacred child was attacked by Satan three separate times. The subsequent two attacks were much like the first, but they seemed more intense since the first attack did not give Satan the results he wanted. Satan knew that this sacred child was here on earth to do the will of his Heavenly Father. This sacred child’s task will greatly damage Satan’s agenda of evil, chaos, and destruction. The enemy’s hate knows no bounds, but this sacred child’s task is to bring Almighty God’s message of peace, love, and acceptance to all others of His sacred children. His task is to bring our Almighty Father’s advanced truths of God’s creations with advanced existential knowledge and theology that go beyond Biblical literature. New Godly information never known before is now available, including what happened before creation.

Satan knew that this sacred child would never be tempted into sin like most people. Like all children of God, this sacred child was already known by Satan before he was born to earth.
He has an especially close relationship with his Father in Heaven. Being the epitome of hate, deception, and evil, Satan could only do one thing, attack this man directly and threaten him in the middle of the night.

Each of the three attacks was the most terrifying and ugly that any sacred child of God could ever have. Each encounter was dripping with hatred and malevolence I never thought possible. Satan has a special hate for this sacred child of our Heavenly Father because this child also had a special covenant with God for years to always tell the truth in all things.

The Three Attacks Of Satan:

Each time this sacred child was attacked it was in the middle of the night when he was sleeping soundly with his wife and his two small children in the other bedroom. Everything was peaceful and quiet. Then it happened: The hateful and malevolent appearance of Satan began with the loudest crashing sound anyone has ever heard that woke up this God's sacred child. It sounded like a big car had crashed into the house, a mixture of dynamite exploding, and symbols crashing. The house seemed to completely rattle from the noise.

God’s sacred child was shocked out of his sleep and lifted his head off the pillow looking in the direction of his loving wife. There was now something very different in the bedroom but for the first one or two seconds God’s child did not comprehend. Everything was completely silent. But no normal subtle household noises. Then God’s child turned his head and in looking toward the foot of the bed he saw a sight that is the most horrific any human being can witness. It was the sight of Satan himself. Of this, there is no doubt.

Satan appeared as a ‘blackest of black,” seven-foot-tall creature. He projected the most intense hatred, beyond that any of God’s sacred children could imagine. Satan appeared wearing an intensely black hood that flowed down to the floor on both sides of his arm, and those arms stretched outward to the sides. Looking at him, the blackest of black appearance had a distinctly three-dimensional quality.

It was as if there was God’s child looking into an endless, cavernous hole of the blackest black. Raising his gaze, slightly, Satan’s bright red eyes were focused directly at God’s child. Behind his red eyes was an endless three-dimensional hole of hatred that knew no end. An endless hole of pure hatred and cruelty. This intensity of hatred was beyond description. Satan was cowering over the foot of the bed extending his red eyes and staring closer and closer at God’s child. God’s child had to look up at this hateful king of demons and he felt like the hate exuding from Satan. It instantly became unbearable and caused instant nausea. While staring at God’s sacred child, Satan yelled and screamed “I Will Get You!!! I Will Get You!!! I Will Get You!!!

A few more moments of sheer terror caused God’s child to shake with complete fear. Then after what seemed like a wretched eternity, Satan exited the bedroom to the left. Yes, to the left! Remember the parables in the Bible of the sheep and the goats. Hell, and damnation are always to the left. God’s sheep “to the right;” so says our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

How do I know it was Satan himself? Good question! I know for certain it was Satan who terrorized this child of God BECAUSE I AM THAT SACRED CHILD OF GOD! Yes, this terror event happened to me, personally, three separate times.

Remember This For The Rest Of Your Life!

How do I know so much about what happened that night and during two subsequent Satanic attacks? As I mentioned, that sacred child of God that Satan attacked three times is ME! But, I am unscathed in spite of it. This video is a completely true testimony regarding three full-fledged attacks by Satan himself against a sacred child of God.

Limited Satanic Power:

Ask yourself if you could stand this in the name of God. Absolutely, you can! There is nothing Satan or his demons can do to separate you from your loving Father in heaven. Satan has no real power over any of God’s sacred children. As a child of God, this includes you, without exception. He can only terrorize, tempt, and lure people into sin. That is all.

Remember this, even if you need to get it tattooed. Satan can only tempt and persuade, nothing more. Forget Hollywood depictions. They are satanic lies. All you have to do is tell Satan to “Go back to hell where you belong in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.”

I did and you can, too. Make no mistake. Each child of God has the power within them to expel Satan’s demons, and for that matter Satan himself, by the power of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. You are NOT under Satan’s power! Of this, there is no doubt. Remember this for the rest of your life.

Since then, our Heavenly Father has asked me to be the anointed messenger of His truth, love, peace, and acceptance, along with advanced understandings that go beyond our beloved Bible. God has revealed that Satan knew this, which is the reason that he attacked me three times.

If you doubt the truth of this video look up Father Chad Ripperger. He is a prominent Jesuit exorcist within the Catholic church. He is one of the top exorcists in the world and on YouTube.!/donation/checkout

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