Buffalo Massacre Pt 1.

1 year ago

Pt 1. Buffalo. To be Continued
Condolences to the lives lost at the Buffalo
Satanic Ritual Event
Date: 5/14/2022. Time: 2:30-2:36.
Location: Buffalo, New York

Skull and Bones
Buffalo has a density of 6,322.35 sq miles. Skull and Bones= 322.
As of March 2022. March = 3rd month 2022. 322
Tops operates 155 stores/5 gas stations.
BLM started 7/13/2013-5/14/2022.
Separation of 3,227 days. Skull and Bones= 322

Freemasonry Connections
Illuminati started in 1776. 2022. That’s 246 years. Freemasonry 6/24.
New York was established in year 1624. Freemasonry 6/24.
On 3/27/1991 Tops grew to 145 stores 11,000 employees. From 5/14/2022.
That’s exactly 1624 weeks. New York was established 1624. Freemasonry 6/24.

Trump Connections.
From the Freemasonry date of 6/24/1717-5/14/2022.
Separation of 111,357 days. Shooting occurred in NY. New York= 111.
New York is 11th state.
10 months separate. 10 killed.
Ending three numbers in seconds is 185.
Donald John Trump to numbers is 185.
Trump’s Logo can be found on all his Golf Courses and is on many
Freemason Jurisdiction Books.

Buffalo Canal opened on 10/26/1825-5/14/2022. Separation of 71,787 days. 777. With 196 years,
6 months, 17 days between. (7-1= 6) 666.
10,255 weeks. 10 were killed. 2358 months.
Time: 2:30-2:36.
Ending three numbers in hours is 911.
The ending three numbers in seconds is 185.
Donald John Trump= 185.
9/11/2001-5/14/2022. 1079 weeks. 10 killed.
First two numbers in minutes 10.
Illuminati is 10 characters long. 10 killed.
9/11/2001 is the 254th day. 5/14/2022 Is the 134th day. 254-134= 120.
Illuminati letters to numbers is 120.
254+134= 388. Trump= 88.
Trump was born on the 14th of June.
Shooting occurred on a 14th date.
9/11/Trump Connection
The founder of Tops Armand J. Castellani. Was born 6/5/1917. 5/14/2022.
That’s 104 years. 10 killed on a 14th date. 9 days 11 months between. https://www.myheritage.com/names/armand_castellani
On February 1, 2017. Trump admitted to being a Freemason by 3 words.
I’m a Mason.

(I’m a Mason to numbers is 85.
Donald John Trump= 185. From the date Trump admitted to being a Mason on 2/1/2017. By the way that just so happened to be Black History Month.
This shooting 11 blacks were shot. First three numbers in seconds is 166.
This shooting took place at Jefferson Avenue. Jefferson Avenue to numbers is 166.

From the date Trump was born 6/14/1946. 5/14/2022. Separation of exactly
911 months. First three numbers in seconds is 239-
Buffalo Police Department letters to numbers is 239.
27728 days. This shooting occurred exactly 277 weeks after Trump’s first day in office on 1/20/2017. The first three numbers in hours is 665.
See below to what were doing to match this 665.
Shooting occurred at 230.

200+201+202+203+204+205+206+207+208+209+210+211+212+213+214+215+216+217+218+219+220+221+222+223+224+225+226+227+228+229+230= 6665- The first three numbers in the hour’s separating Trump DOB is 665. Match.

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