What Are The Things That Breaks Wudu? What Are The Things That Invalidate Wudu?- Wadu Part-2

1 year ago

Wudu, also known as ablution, is a ritual purification process in Islam that involves washing specific parts of the body before performing certain acts of worship, such as prayers (Salat). The obligations of wudu, as well as the things that can break or invalidate it, are important aspects of Islamic practice. Here's a summary:
Things that Break Wudu:
Passing of Gas (Flatulence): The release of gas from the anus breaks wudu.
Urination or Defecation: Any act of urination or defecation invalidates wudu.
Voiding of Semen: Ejaculation, either due to sexual activity or a wet dream, breaks wudu.
Deep Sleep: Deep sleep, where one loses awareness of their surroundings, invalidates wudu.
Things that Invalidate Wudu:
Loss of Consciousness: Fainting or any state where consciousness is lost.
Touching One's Genitals: Directly touching one's genitals with the hand, without any barrier.
Emission of Blood or Pus: The flow of blood or pus from the body breaks wudu.
Vomiting: The act of vomiting, whether voluntarily or involuntarily.
It's important to note that these rules may vary slightly between different schools of Islamic jurisprudence (Madhabs). Muslims are encouraged to follow the teachings of their specific school of thought or consult with a knowledgeable scholar if they have any doubts about the validity of their wudu.
Repeating wudu is necessary before each obligatory prayer (Salat) if it has been broken or invalidated by any of the above factors.
If Wudu Breaks During Namaz
If your wudu (ablution) breaks while you are in the middle of performing the namaz (prayer), you should immediately stop your prayer. It's essential to be in a state of ritual purity (having wudu) throughout the entire prayer. Here's what you should do:
Stop the Prayer: As soon as you realize that your wudu has broken during the prayer, stop the prayer by saying "Salaam" (turning your head to the right and saying "Assalamu alaikum" to end the prayer).
Leave the Prayer Area: Leave the area where you were praying and go to a clean and private place where you can perform wudu.
Perform Wudu: Perform wudu (ablution) as you normally would, making sure to wash all the required body parts according to Islamic guidelines.
Return to Prayer: After completing wudu, return to the prayer area and start your prayer again from the beginning. Begin with the Takbir (saying "Allahu Akbar") and continue with the rest of the prayer.
It's essential to ensure that you are in a state of wudu when you start your prayer and to maintain that state throughout the entire prayer. If wudu breaks multiple times during a single prayer, you should stop and restart your prayer each time your wudu becomes invalid.
Remember that maintaining the state of ritual purity is an important aspect of Islamic worship, and it's essential to observe these guidelines to ensure the validity of your prayers.

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