Are you ready for what's next?

11 months ago

As a young family we would take some long country trips – often our children would yell out, from the back seat, “Are we there yet?”

The Bible tells of Christ's coming. You wonder, with current events, are we there yet?

Israel is at war. People are stirring up - chaos is everywhere. What are we to make of all this as Bible believing people?

Israel in the Bible is Ground Zero for the end times. Israel is God's time clock. The Bible tells of Jacob's trouble. Surely there's some trouble brewing right now in the nation of Israel.

Jeremiah 30:7 says, Alas for that day is great so that none is like it - it is even the time of Jacob's trouble.

The media is calling it unprecedented and saying, This is getting Biblical.

There’s mounting signs. Demonic ideologies, evil acts, fear.

prophecy tells of an invasion of Israel; Ezekiel 37, 38. Turkey, Iran and Russia are increasingly in close alliance.

We need to prepare for the coming of Christ. What are God's people to do?

Our Lord tells of the time of his returning. He refers to two men in a time of judgment.

Luke 17 says, As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be so shall it be also in the days of the son of man… Noah lived in evil days - yet it was business as usual - people were oblivious. God's judgment was so close, yet they carried on as normal. Genesis 6:1 says that the Earth was corrupt before God, and filled with violence. Like in Noah's day, people are spiritually careless.

But Noah found Grace in the eyes of the Lord; Noah walked with God. Noah had a fear of God. By faith he was moved by conviction.

Don't miss the boat! God's judgment is sure.

Noah was the world's first preacher. What was his first sermon? His message was one of strong warning. God saved Noah …a preacher of righteousness.

God is going to pour out his judgment; his wrath. Only some will be saved.

Noah and his family entered the Ark. They were saved, kept safe in the ark - which represents for us Christ - our safety is his salvation.

God shut the door.

So many would not hear the warning. Flee from the Wrath to come! Get in the ark!

Luke 17:28, Likewise also it was in the days of Lot. They did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded, but the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all. Even thus shall it be in the day when the son of man is revealed.

Sodom was a depraved city. Its people were unbridled in their sin and godless ways. God's people were taken out. Then judgment fell.

Are you in the ark? Are you are you in God's safekeeping? Are the angels going to lead you out of Sodom? Or will you be damned and destroyed with the depraved city?

God delivered righteous Lot. He was vexed with the filthy conversation of the wicked. He was grieved by the filthy ways - the sensual culture. We see the ungodliness of our own land and our leaders. Oughtn't we to be vexed? It's got the sense of distress, trouble. We should be disturbed spiritually - disturbed in our spirit?

Sodom was a graphic picture of sin, and of the lifestyle of sin.

The angels warned Lot of the impending danger and he gave warning to others. Some laughed it off. They dismissed his warning. Some who we would beckon to flee to Christ won't take it seriously.

As the judgment fell, Lot's wife looked back. Some are careless, like Lot's wife.

With both Moah and Lot we see a conflict between righteousness and evil. A warning. An urgency to wake up, to flee to Christ.

Both times there’s the removal of the righteous and the judgment of the unbelievers.

The message is: be ready. Be ready, for in such an hour as you think not the son of man cometh.

Judgment is at the door. Are we there thet? I can't tell you how much longer. How many more days. Yet I can tell you, there's some signs. There's some signs of wars... false religions and philosophies - deception. There’s expectations of a Christ – a false Christ.

In Noah's day, corruption and wickedness prevailed. In Lot's day the lifestyle of the world was described as filthy. Noah was a preacher of righteousness. Lot was a righteous soul. God gave Grace to Noah.

Things are getting biblical. So we ought to check the Book, and see what it says. Make preparations. Be spiritually prepared.

As we see the day approaching… don't be discouraged in your faith, even when hardness comes.

A time of testing is surely coming. I believe that the people of God will be taken out - caught up.

Our Lord says, I will keep thee from the hour of temptation - or the hour of trial. We're going to be out of here.

Christ is coming. There is an escape plan an escape plan - we can escape this judgment.

Are we there yet?

I think the time is short - and we should get right with God.

These are perilous times. Yet, for the believer, there is a blessed hope.

Get ready.

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