✝️Understand how everything can end 🔥as stated in the sacred scriptures🔥

11 months ago

"In a truly transcendent moment, on the top of the majestic Mount Zion, the Lamb of eternity rose, with a divine presence that captivated all who beheld Him. Around Him gathered a select group of one hundred forty-four thousand pure souls. The name of their Father was inscribed on their foreheads, shining with a celestial brightness, like a seal of their indestructible devotion and belonging to God.

And then, a voice of cosmic proportions resounded from the heavens, echoing like the merging of countless waters and giant thunderclaps. The sound of heavenly harps joined the celestial melody as the one hundred forty-four thousand sang a song that transcended human understanding. Only these chosen ones had the privilege to comprehend it, for they were the redeemed, saved from the earth without being touched by earthly corruption.

They were like spiritual virgins, free from any earthly contamination, following the Lamb with unwavering devotion, regardless of the path He traced. Their purity was undeniable, and truth flowed from their lips like a river of divine knowledge. An angel of unmatched splendor flew across the sky, holding the eternal gospel and proclaiming it to the nations, tribes, languages, and peoples of the entire earth. His message resonated like a divine thunder: 'Fear God, give Him glory, for the hour of judgment has come.'

However, a third angel warned of the fall of the great Babylon and the condemnation of those who chose to worship the beast and its image. They would face divine wrath and be tormented by fire and sulfur.

Here lies the patience of the saints, those who remain faithful to God's commandments and faith in Jesus. A heavenly voice proclaimed, 'Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord, for they will rest from their labors, and their works will follow them.'

In the sky, a divine vision arose, a white cloud with someone like the Son of Man, wearing a shining golden crown on His head and holding a sharp sickle. An angel of radiant light commanded, 'Thrust in your sickle and reap, for the hour of the heavenly harvest has come; the earth is ripe for the harvest.'

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