Breaking The Generation Curses of Freemasonary, Freemasonry Curse Renunciations

1 year ago

If you would like the .pdf that I used in this prayer its in the link below, it might be a good idea to speak it out loud for yourself with your own words, but I pray that this helps. I'm fairly new to breaking generational curses so I am not extremely knowledgeable on these type of matters. I will continue to share more as I learn. May you all be blessed.
Prayer in Text Form -- chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/
This is my backup page incase my youtube gets shut down, check out my youtube for more content
I reluctantly use the term TI to be able to reach those who are suffering and need prayer and healing, but i believe that the entire TI narrative is another form of mind control diverting our attention from the underbelly of the beast and I believe the real reason why this stuff is happening to us is a bit deeper. I think we need to look at the entire thing from a Mk Ultra + Dissociatve Identities perspective rather than TI, because i think the entire TI program is to hide Mk Ultra + DID and what happened to us. I believe alot of it is connected to the GATE gifted and talented program though I'm still learning more and doing my best to break apart this matrix of suffering that is the "TI Program", they hide our childhood traumas and programming behind amnesiac walls to prevent us from realizing we need to heal the parts that have been traumatized, and whatever has happened to us is what is being exploited against us. Please check my youtube page, I am much more active on there and release more information regarding all of this. May The Most High God Yahuah Bless you, Protect you and Heal you <3
#yahuah #yahusha #endureuntiltheend
PDF file of the breakdown of the sacred names YAHUAH & YAHUSHA (𐤏‎𐤔‎𐤅‎𐤄‎𐤉‎ & 𐤄‎𐤅‎𐤄‎𐤉‎/ יהוה & יהושע)
Send any prayer requests here and I will pray for you, If it's a topic that i can make into a video to help others I may put it into a prayer session video, either way I would be happy to pray for you ( email me @ )
Prayer Text Archive --
Insight & Deprogramming Blog (Work in Progress) --
Deprogramming Blog (Substack version) --
*Peeling Back The Layers - Prayers for Deprogramming from SRA, Healing for DID, Mk Ultra & More --

*Prayers For SRA, Trauma Based Mind Control, TI, Mk Ultra, Spiritual Warfare & Yah's Army Playlist --
The True Name, A Full Discussion (PDF)
Love Yahuah with All your Heart, Mind and Soul / Love your Neighbor as Yourself
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