The Rapture versus Converging signs of the end times

11 months ago

I may pull parts of this video out later and make it multi part but there are 2 main sections

I am going to talk about these converging signs and give my understanding of them and why so many content creators are making errors
Then I am going to go through some popular rapture scriptures and point out the erroneous assumptions I believe many are making.

I will add time stamps later to make it easier to jump around through this video.
Part 1
0:00 We see Converging Signs but where are they converging signs
Part 2 Let's review some proper rapture scriptures
32:15 2 Peter 3:8-10 One Day as a 1,000 Years. Does this scripture prove that Christ is coming back in 6000 years after the the creation of the world
44:27 Matthew 24 : 36-44 No one "knows the day or the hour" "comes like a thief" Beware date setting and speculation
1:10:01 I make a side note are content creators the John the Baptist's of today
1:18:32 2 Thessalonians 2 : 1-12 Will the Great lie Help the world enter a new normal?
1:32:34 Matthew 24 : 45-51 What does watch, be ready mean?
1:37:30 1 Thessalonians 5 Does this tell us we should know the date because this was written after the Cross
1:43:48 Matthew 16 : 1-4 Why did Christ rebuke the Pharisees?
1:48:03 Daniel 9 : 24-27 What does the Prophecy actually say
1:52:41 Daniel 12 : 11-12 Revelation 11:3; 12:6 What do all these days tell us?

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