Immanuel kant quotes|Immanuel kant philosophy|Immanuel kant categorical imperative

11 months ago

Immanuel kant quotes|Immanuel kant philosophy|Immanuel kant categorical imperative

#quotes #selfrealization #philosophy #personalgrowth

Immanuel Kant 🧐, the 18th-century philosopher, left an indelible mark on philosophy. Kant's ideas revolve around the innate structure of human knowledge, shaping our perception of reality 🌍. He introduced the "categorical imperative" 🤔, an ethical principle advocating universalizable actions, emphasizing moral duty over consequences. Kant's timeless wisdom is captured in his famous quote: "Act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law" 🌟💭. #Kant #Philosophy #Ethics 📜🧠


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