Apex Legends - Official Doppelgangers Collection Event Trailer

1 year ago

Watch the latest trailer for Apex Legends to see what to expect with the upcoming Doppelgangers Collection event, which brings the new Tricks N’ Treats Trios, After Dark Maps, and more.

In Tricks N’ Treats Trios, copycat Kits enable players to gain extra abilities from different legends, and consumable Candy grants Legends bonus EVO points, Ultimate Charge, and Shield Healing over time. After Dark Maps feature nightmarish versions of Olympus, Kings Canon, and World’s Edge. Additionally, players who unlock 24 limited-time Doppelgangers Collection Event cosmetics before the event is over will automatically receive Revenant's Prestige Skin “Apex Nightmare.”

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KeniziFam: https://rumble.com/c/YefuneKenizi

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