Putting up the shop and getting new Ryobi tools

1 year ago

Over the course of the past year, a friend has given me the makings of a steel building that I am trying to put together. Of course, our dear friend Murphy paid us another visit.

This video is a year in the making! I originally was going to record the entire build process, then split them up into episodes and publish them over the course of several weeks, but since it's taken this long to get thus far, I'm just gonna put them up as I go. Plus, someone out there might have an idea of how to do something.

#offgrid #homestead #reclaimedwood

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If you would like to buy a shirt, or hoodie, here is our spreadshop site:


And here is the link to the tool set in the video:


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Until next time, keep kicking up dust!

Fi shizzle!

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