L4 L5 - L5 S1 lumbar disc bulges recovery & back in the gym training pain free

1 year ago

My online client who lives in #serbia after 2 years of chronic lower back pain. Getting back in the gym training pain free

If you suffering from chronic lower back pain. Don’t give up it’s never too late, you just need clarity, a mentor and a clear plan to follow for full recovery.

Watch my client video 🎥 testimonial with the link below 👇 check the link in Bio 🎯


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#spinalstenosis #spinalstenositreatment #spinallumbarstenosis #AnkylosingSpondylitis #gym #physio #physiotherapy #gymmotivation #bobthephysio #instagram #dublin #mri #backtogym #gymaddict #lumbar #lumbarspine #lowerbackpain #bobthephysio #dublin #ireland

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