How to play Twixt

1 year ago

Learn the rules to the board game twixt quickly and concisely - This video has no distractions, just the rules.

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The object of the game is to be the first player to have an uninterrupted chain of linked pegs that connect your colored border rows together. Lay out the board and each player picks a color and take the matching pieces. The holes at the edge of the board adjacent to your color lines, are your border rows. You may not play in the corners.

Pick a player to go first then turns alternate. On your turn, you must place 1 peg in any vacant hole, except those in your opponent’s border rows. If after placing a peg, you find you can link two or more pegs, you may do so by placing links in those spaces. Pegs may only link when the distance between them exactly corresponds to the diagonal of a 6 hole rectangle, identical to a knight’s chess move.

Linked pegs create barriers. Barriers may not be crossed by either player. If a player forgets to link, or chooses not to, then no barrier exists in that spot, but it could be linked on future turns. On your turn, before you place your peg, you may remove any number of your own links and pegs from the board if you want.

The first player to create an uninterrupted chain of linked pegs that connect their colored border rows together, wins!

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