Deuteronomy 18:18 Is Not About Muhammad, Because Yahuwah Is God's Name In Arabic, Not Allah

1 year ago

00:01:10 So Muslims have to deceive the Christians by not using the proper Quran name?
00:02:15 Is the shahada in the Quran?
00:02:50 The shahada did not come from Allah.
00:03:20 Did drinking camel urine come from Allah?
00:04:00 How can Muslims tell when a revelation from their prophet is from Allah or not?
00:07:20 Deuteronomy 18:18,19
00:07:20 Deuteronomy 18:18,19
00:08:30 Is Deuteronomy 18:19 using Allah's name?
00:09:30 If Allah is not in the book of Deuteronomy, then the leaflet is false.
00:12:20 Does God use the name Allah in the Bible?
00:13:05 Exodus 6:2,3
00:13:35 Time to find out what God's name is in the Arabic Bible
00:14:45 Ali Dawah has said that the scientific miracles in the Quran have been cancelled.
00:19:30 Atheists were the ones who attacked the Bible more.
00:24:55 I managed to find Exodus 6:2 in Arabic.
00:26:55 He read out Yahuwah in Arabic as God's name.
00:28:30 God's name in the Arabic Bible is Yahuwah, so Muhammad followed a different god.
00:30:30 The interruption will not go away, so I am leaving and then returning later.
00:31:55 Jesus came as a man and was born like Moses.
00:35:25 Did the Apostles reject Jesus?
00:40:00 Acts 3:19-26
00:42:30 Muhammad was given a book to read by Gabriel?
00:43:15 Muhammad is not the one spoken of in this prophecy.
00:44:30 Isaiah 29:11,12
00:47:25 Isaiah 28:13
00:49:20 John 1:29-34
00:52:20 He has to change the card in his phone.
00:56:30 Surah 3:64
00:59:20 Muslims eat their unclean camel meat.
00:59:59 Isaiah 5:11,12
01:00:35 Isaiah 5:22,23
01:02:05 The Quran does not talk about the majority of the Bible.
01:09:15 Surah 7:28
01:10:30 This surah is talking about something different from what this Muslim is saying.
01:12:25 When in history did people say that Allah ordered them to do immorality?
01:18:10 It sounds like Allah just wants to give Muslims a fairy story.
01:19:50 Except for men being able to beat their women.
01:20:30 Ezekiel 4:12-17
01:22:25 Ezekiel 4:9-11
01:24:55 He thinks that God is saying to mix the food with the dung.
01:26:00 Lots of people use cow dung to bake food.

In this video I am speaking to a Muslim about their fake prophet Muhammad being in the Bible and the conversation got off to a bad start for the Muslim, because he stumbled at the first passage that we went to; which is not a surprise, because this is one of the big mistakes that the Quran writers have made. Some sensible Muslims have decided to give up on saying that Muhammad is in the current Bible, but there are still some stubborn ones who still think that they can use their Islamic deception skills, in order to convince the gullible Christians about their claims, but this particular Muslim ended up finding out how much of a mistake that they have made. Things ended up being even worse for him later on, when he made the mistake of saying that God is called Allah in the Arabic Bible, because I looked up a verse in an online one, that said what God said what name he should be called and the Arabic did not say Allah.

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