Blindspot 84 Israel 2 Bomb Al-Aqsa to Build 3rd Temple of Solomon? & A Dugin prophesy

1 year ago

Blindspot 84 - Will Israel Bomb al-Aqsa Mosque to Build 3rd Temple of Solomon? & Russia’s Alexander Dugin delivers Middle East Prophesy (prospective analysis)

Buiteboer // From Bunker 42


Can a red cow herald the end of the world?

On Friday the 13th Alexander Dugin posted what could either be considered a prophesy, or a prospective analysis - depending which way you look at it. While we try to wrap our heads around Israeli bombings of schools, hospitals, residential neighbourhoods following on the Hamas ‘surprise attack’ - the roots of the conflict, and how it is anchored not only in flitting political opinion, but, existential realities anchored faiths and their respective prophesies regarding the ‘end times’.

So, what do we want to cover today?

Alexander Dugin’s Friday the 13th prospective analysis of what may come to pass if the Hamas-Israel conflict is to escalate further
We look at what Leo Zagami has to say about it, as well as the interesting choice of date, Friday the 13th, which Leo Zagami notes on this prophesy - “Interesting also how Alexander Dugin made his prophetic tweet on Friday October the 13th, the very same day that saw in 1307 the end of the Knights Templar, who used to have a fortress in Gaza where they controlled the surrounding region.”
What does this tell us about the broader alignment of forces shaping in the stark light of day.

Dugin's Friday 13th message/prophesy/prospective analysis:

Let us try to describe one of the possible scenarios of further escalation in the Middle East.
The Palestinian uprising begins in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Mahmoud Abbas cannot contain the situation, and seeing Israel carrying out a full-blown genocide in the Gaza Strip, the Palestinians launch an all-out revolt. The IDF continues to massacre civilians in the Gaza Strip. There are growing protests around the world against Western pro-American liberal elites standing unanimously in favor of Israel. Hezbollah gets involved and crowds of Arabs from Jordan break through the cordons at the border. The U.S. launches preemptive strikes against Iran, which is increasingly involved in the conflict, and Iran strikes back against Israel. Syria enters the war, attacking the Golan Heights. There is a rapid mobilization of the entire Islamic world.

Pro-American Islamic states - Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar etc. - are being forced to join the confrontation on the side of the Palestinians. They are joined by Pakistan, Turkey and Indonesia. The story of the Taliban sending troops to the Middle East from fake news becomes reality. The black banners of Khorassan are hoisted over the world.

Problems between Salafists and traditionalists, including Shiites, fade into the background. The great jihad of the Islamic world against the West and Israel is beginning.

Russia takes first a neutral position, but does not rush to support Israel, as it is at war in Ukraine with the West, which in turn is completely on Israel's side.

At some point in the uprising in East Jerusalem, Palestinians proclaim the need to cordon off the Al-Aqsa Mosque for protection from the IDF. Al-Aqsa Mosque was mentionned in the beginning of the uprising in the Gaza Strip -- Al-Aqsa Flood. Israel, in the course of fighting armed Palestinian militias and in self-defense, launches a rocket attack on the mosque. It collapses. The path to building the Third Temple is cleared. But... a billion Muslims, of whom 50 million (officially) are in Europe, start an uprising now in the West itself. Civil war erupts in Europe. Some Europeans are on the side of LGBT, Soros and Atlanticist elites, and some make an alliance with Muslims (on the model of Alain Soral) and join the anti-liberal Revolution.

The US uses tactical nuclear weapons against Iran. Russia launches a tactical nuclear strike against Ukraine, which seeks to cling to the West at any cost and provokes Moscow in every possible way.

World War III erupts with the use of tactical nuclear weapons. Russia finally makes up its mind and sides with the Muslims. American dispensationalists realize that the hour has come. Russia is attacking -- albeit indirectly -- Israel. Gog is here. In the Russian vision, the West is under direct rule of Antichrist. Many world leaders die, new one with far more radical beliefs appear.

China attacks Taiwan, distracting the U.S. and NATO to a new target. India refrains from the direct support the US is counting on. The evening of history ceases to be languid.

Feminists, gay activists and environmentalists demand an end to it all, but no one listens to them.

The West is forced to fight against everyone in the name of some goal it can no longer articulate - all the old theses about “human rights”, “civil society” and other incantations have disappeared in the harsh reality of the coming total death. Elon Musk admits that he has completely stopped understanding what is happening.

Israel is beginning, under blows from all sides, to build the Third Temple. Only Moshiach can save the situation…

This is where the text of the predictive analysis (prophecy) abruptly ends.



Crowhouse/Max Igan. 2023. Israel is ISIS - ISIS is Bolshevik. 17 October, 2023.

Mira Fox. 2023. Hamas is calling its attacks ‘Al-Aqsa Flood.’ Why is the Jerusalem mosque important in Gaza? Forward, 7 October, 2023.

Leo Zagami Official Website -

MessianicBible. End-time prophesy: why is the third temple so important?

Mira Fax. 2023. Holy cow! Can one heifer herald the Third Temple - and the end of the world as we know it? Forward, 8 September, 2023.

Alexander Dugin X/Tweet -

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