Basic Dog Training - TOP 7 Basic Commands Every Dog Must Know!

1 year ago


#Dog Training


Professional dog trainers selected the most essential commands for basic dog training. Check out the TOP 7 basic commands every dog must know and become a good dog trainer right away...
Would you like to see basic the top 7 basic commands every dog must know?

Basic dog training is necessary to stimulate your dog

mentally and teach them discipline.

TOP 7 basic commands every dog must know:

7) With Me.

The first part of training:

1. Your dog should be in front of you.

2. Place a dog treat in your hand and let the dog smell it, then say the "with me" command.

3. Slowly move the dog treat to entice your dog to

come to your left leg and sit down (you don't have to insist on sitting right away).

4. Once the dog has done what you asked of them,

reward them, and praise them. 5. Repeat the previous steps.

The second part of training: 1. Place your dog next to your left leg.

2. Walk at a slow speed and repeat the "with me" command every few seconds.
Place your dog next to your left leg.

2. Walk at a slow speed and repeat the "with me" command every few seconds. 3. Once the dog does what you want them to, reward

them with a dog treat and praise them.

4. Repeat the previous steps.

6) Speak and Quiet.

How to teach your dog the "speak" command?

1. When the dog is barking, say "speak." 2. If your dog barks again, reward them and praise


3. Repeat the previous steps a few times.

How to teach your dog the "quiet" command?

1. Tell your dog to "speak." Praise them. 2. Say the "speak" command again.

3. As your dog is barking, say "quiet" with a louder

tone of voice to attract your dog's attention. 4. Once the dog stops barking, reward with a dog treat

and praise. 5. Repeat the previous steps

How to teach your dog the "come" command? 1. Put your dog on a leash.

2. Take a dog treat and say the "come" command.

3. If your dog isn't coming, you can gently pull on the leash.

4. Once the dog arrives, give them the treat.

5. Repeat the previous steps.

4) Stay.

How to teach your dog to "stay"? 1. Your dog should be sitting.

2. Give your dog the "stay" command, and reinforce it with a non-verbal hand sign (place your hand in front of their head).

3. Repeat the previous steps while gradually

increasing the amount of waiting time.

3) Lie Down.
3) Lie Down.

How to train your dog to "lie down"?

1. Ideally, the dog should be sitting.

2. Grab a dog treat and let your dog smell it. 3. Slowly move the dog treat toward the floor.

4. Your dog should follow the dog treat and lie down. Reward them even if they're very close to lying down. 5. Once the dog lies down, reward and praise your dog.

6. Repeat the previous steps and add the "lie down" command when your dog smells a dog treat.

2) Sit.

How to train your dog to sit?

1. Place a dog treat in your hand and let your dog smell it.

2. Slowly move your hand closer and raise it a little.

The dog should react by sitting down. 3. Once the dog sits down, reward with the dog treat. 4. Repeat these steps while adding the "sit" command.
1) Watch Me.

How to teach your dog the "watch me" command? 1. Grab a dog treat.

2. Place the dog treat close to your dog's nose so they

can smell it.

3. Say "watch me" and slowly move the dog treat

closer to your face.

4. Reward your dog for good behavior. 5. Repeat the previous steps.

How Fix Any Bad Dog Behavior in Minutes With The Most Powerful Dog Training Technique Ever" -

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