1 year ago

this game has the worst flashlight ever / we start the level in the pitch black nothing / that bitch is getting that water sag / Clay meets another baby face / is that naked Jolyne Cujoh? / it's ducking invisible! / my rump is round / a random shot in the literal dark / this is like the ugly female character from the new fable game OH ISH / is this a saw hallway? / that is the worst thing to see in the pitch black darkness / Cho attacks clay and mom is nowhere to be found / nothing ever good comes out of a library / clay finds R Kelly's second favorite pea shooter / so um a hand came through the door! / oh my god behind you! (door refuses to open) / clay's water phobia kicks in / clay gets scared by Cho / oh my god BARNAVLES! / oh my cankles / oh titty lady! / oh oh my god! / that's perfectly good🐱you wasted! / TO BE CONTINUED

More Afraid Of Monsters: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4mxafiw6CvvI_j4-m7RQ8WgvJzaZd53F

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/claychoshow
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Ending Theme: "Game On!" By The Heatley Bros: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrNhn4HeGqs

Monopoly Guy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eDCfN2Nv7Pk&feature=youtu.be&t=9m44s&ab_channel=RetroRo

#afraidofmonsters #survivalhorrorgaming #clayyoandcho

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