Vanguard has funneled Americans’ money into the CCP to help fund Iran and Hamas

1 year ago

10/18/2023【​​Nicole on the Winn Tucson China Watch】Nicole Tsai: Companies like Vanguard have been funneling Americans’ hard-earned money into Communist China to help fund Iran and Hamas. Congress should keep a close eye on Wall Street to ensure that American investors’ money is not used to fund our enemies or our own demise!
#CCP #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP #NFSC
10/18/2023 【妮可参加温图森中国观察节目】妮可:美国人民辛勤劳动挣来的钱被先锋集团这样的公司输送给中共,并被用来资助伊朗和哈马斯,国会应该密切关注华尔街,以确保美国人的钱不被用来资助美国的敌人或资助美国的自我毁灭
#中共 #中国人不等于中共 #新中国联邦 #消灭中共

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