Death of a Legend - MIKE SMITH ( aka Bill Brooks) has left the Building 17 10 23 - 57 57'

11 months ago

This ETN piece is an obituary for Mike Smith who died before he could hear the voice message I'd made for him, on Friday 13th October 2023. He made his entrance in the world on either May 8 or 16th, 1950, I forget which date, and can't ask him now.

When he contacted me having had a series of strokes and heart attacks in a week, during 2012, he wanted someone to, before he died (which he thought was imminent) hear his story, listen to him. I believe that his story in particular is one of the most incredible I've ever heard, and started from when he was a toddler, if not before. Throughout his life he had many intrusions and interactions with different types of ET and as he'd forged a personality which brooked no fantasy, including ET, the paranormal, things psychic et all, he was soundly asleep at the wheel of his own life.

He was rudely awoken one day in the early hours, after his return from a gig, he spent the latter part of his life as a jobbing musician and singer. What he didn't know on that fateful day/night, was that despite not being aware of the UFO that followed him home, where he found he had missed driving 26 miles of road, and despite watching at close quarters a 300' cone shaped UFO, 50 feet from his home, on his arrival, before ignoring it and settling in for a cigarette and brandy before hitting hay, he peace of mind was shattered.

Within minutes of sitting down, he had something akin to a near death experience which effectively was a download, a movie playing out, with all the accompanying feeling of every abduction and encounter from the beginning, and he was now 44, it was 1994. His entire world and mind had been turned upside down. His brain had all but melted, and he thought he must be losing his mind. That journey, essentially a recovery of his sanity, followed by a gradual assimilation, without too much understanding of what it all meant took the next 20+ years.

As a person with such strong convictions, regarding the field of anything fringe and certainly ET as the realm of lunacy, he found himself in a serious predicament, from which he was not sure he'd recover.
Writing the story of his experiences with him for over three years was a challenge in itself, and though Bill or Mike's name is on the cover, he did not write anything, rather, I wanted him, after such hardships to have some recognition for his life. It was something he was proud of, and we became good friends during it, despite the occasional clashes.

The two field trips I did with him 2014/17 allowed me and a partially disabled Mike to show me all the major locations where his events occurred. It was quite the trip, and from those and the 2012 interview, I have put together Unplugged - The Mike Smith Story, a documentary, drawing from those three meetings. I will be looking to arrange screenings of the documentary at some future point.

Meanwhile, I am sending my friend off with this obituary, to calmer shores, which shares more of Mike, and breathes life into a 2016 radio show we did with Lorien Fenton with a Mufon station in California, please share, like and comment as is relevant.

Bye Mike - catch you on the other side, and enjoy a jamming session with Duggy when you see him!


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