2nd PRS Match. How Did I Do?

1 year ago

Well, I woke up early enough Sunday morning and made it to my 2nd PRS match!! It was a chilly morning and the wind picked up early and kept blowing all day. Most stages the wind was ranging from 6 up to 16mph according to my Kestrel when I was trying to get wind readings for my dope card info. It was challenging for sure, but I had a lot of fun!!
So, some stages I did really well on, then others I totally failed. Seems I'd either get 2 hits or 5-7 hits. Some stages I think I just did a bad job getting data on the Kestrel and so my scope adjustments were off. I thought I had it figured out, but I'm obviously doing something wrong at times. When I was on, I was getting great hits. But if I was off a little, I was just flinging them into the rocks. A lot of stages I could not see where I was impacting on my misses and had no idea where to adjust to try and compensate. I will be working more the next weeks on getting good at using the Kestrel!! And I see some other things I need to work on. Not losing where the targets are once I get behind the scope and have to go hunting them down again. Wasted a few seconds losing the targets. But I think my biggest hurdle now is going into the stage with good, accurate data. This is very much a data game! Need to work on my follow through also. I'm used to running the trigger fast in the pistol matches I do, so I noticed when editing this that I remove my trigger finger quickly like I'm getting ready for the reset on my pistol. So I need to get in the mindset to pin the trigger and watch for my impact or miss. Will be working that the next few weekends as well. About 4 or 5 weeks and it'll be time for the 3rd match in this series at the 3rd range. Then the 4th match will be back at the first place!!

Overall, I had fun and got some good stages in. Wanted to do a bit better than I did, but got about 30% of possible hits, so my next goal will be 50%.
Hope you enjoyed seeing how my 2nd match went. Check out my links here for some great coffee to help support my efforts here!!

This is a private range. All shooting is done in a safe, controlled environment with no people or dwellings within miles to be at risk.

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